We are pleased to advise the Electronic Gaming Machines and Electronic Table Game Machines at The Star Sydney are back online. Gaming promotions remain cancelled, updates will be published to this page.


We apologise for any inconvenience and we look forward to welcoming you back to The Star Sydney soon.

Let the good times roll again!

Whether it’s a night out, a night away or a night of the unexpected, the good times are rolling again!

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What's On 2 columnsTitle + Intro + CTA#B99AFF#c4a453
Casino Games 4 columnsGradient overlay center + CTA#B99AFF#c4a453


Our way of ensuring whenever you visit The Star Sydney, whether it’s for a meal, a fantastic show or a roll of the dice, you do so with the confidence that you’ll be well looked after.
Explore The Star Sydney 4 columnsGradient overlay center + CTA#111111#c4a453

More to enjoy with every visit

Discover the benefits of belonging across our world-class entertainment destinations in Sydney, Brisbane and Gold Coast. Become a Member of The Star Club today – it’s free and easy.

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