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Supplying goods and services to our company

The Star Entertainment Group is always looking for suppliers that will help differentiate its offer to the market. We are especially keen to speak to suppliers who can deliver innovative solutions that fulfil our brand promise to provide our guests with thrilling and memorable experiences that reflect the local spirit.

If you are a unique organisation with impeccable attention to detail, a track record of providing exemplary goods and/or services and a market leader in your field then please register your interest in being considered a supplier to The Star Entertainment Group by completing the Supplier Registration Form below.

We especially encourage local businesses, women-owned businesses and Indigenous-owned business to register their interest.

Please note, submission of a completed Supplier Registration Form, and The Star Entertainment Group’s acknowledgement of receipt, does not confirm approval as a supplier. Before awarding contracts, the company will follow strict protocols and established procedures to assess all submissions.

Register your interest

*Indicates Required Field

Is your business
Geographical locations you can support
Please Tick To Accept
It is not intended, by the submission of this registration form or by any conduct of the parties (except any subsequent contract that is executed by both parties or, where The Star's Purchase Order terms and conditions apply, by supply by the Supplier of goods or services), to bind The Star to acquire any goods and/or services. Accordingly, this registration form and the contents herein, does not create any legal relationship of any kind between the parties, and no such relationship will exist in respect of this registration form until a formal, binding contract is entered into as described above.