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Terms & Conditions
Program Terms and Conditions
  1. These Terms contain the terms and conditions of the program operated by The Star for Player Card Holders and The Star Club Members (“Program”) and may be amended by from time to time. 


  2. Account Holders can access the latest version of these Terms in person at the Star Properties, on The Star’s website at https://www.thestarclub.com.au/terms-conditions for The Star Club Members or https://www.star.com.au/sydney/player-card-terms-conditions for Player Card Holders (the “Website”) and via The Star App. 


  3. It is the Account Holder's responsibility to read and understand these Terms and to comply with them at all times. 


  4. An application to become a Player Card Holder or The Star Club Member, ongoing participation as an Account Holder with the Program, or use of The Star App or a Star Account constitutes acceptance by that Account Holder of these Terms. 


  5. To participate in gaming or gaming related activities at a Star Property or on The Star App a person may be required to be an Account Holder, use the Card issued to them by The Star and have a Star Account at the relevant Star Property that is linked to their Card. 


  6. Approval as a Player Card Holder or The Star Club Member does not give any person a right of entry to all or any part of a Star Property. Entry may be refused by The Star. 


  7. Part A and C of these Terms apply to both Player Card Holders and The Star Club Members. Part B of these Terms additionally apply to The Star Club Members only.

Part A – Player Card Holders and The Star Club Members
The Program
  1. The Program is free and is offered by The Star.  


  2. To apply to join as an Account Holder of the Program, a person must: 

    a. complete an application form provided by The Star; 

    b. provide such current and valid identification and residency details as required by The Star;

    c. permit The Star to take a photograph of the person or copy a photograph from the submitted identification. This photograph may be included on the Physical Card issued by The Star and may be used for the other purposes outlined in these Terms; and

    d. not be an Excluded Person, under the age of 18 years or an employee of The Star Entertainment Group Ltd or any of its related bodies corporate. 


  3. The Star may accept or reject an application to join the Program. 


  4. The Star is subject to AML/CTF Laws and Casino Control Laws. At the time a person applies to become an Account Holder, The Star is obliged to collect and verify certain identification information from the person in compliance with the AML/CTF Laws, including ‘know your customer’ information, and Casino Control Laws, including the need to conduct customer probity. 


  5. A person will become an Account Holder effective from the time and date specified by The Star following acceptance of that person’s application. 


  6. An Account Holder must notify The Star of any change to their name or residential addresses prior to next using their Card.  Changes are to be notified by presenting in person at a Star Property and providing supportive evidence to the satisfaction of The Star. 


  7. A person must only hold one account with the Program, either as a Player Card Holder or The Star Club Member.

Terms of account
  1. An Account Holder’s account with the Program is governed by these terms and conditions (“Terms”). 


  2. The Terms may be changed at any time by The Star. It is the Account Holder’s responsibility to ensure they keep up to date with these Terms.


  3. Changes to the Terms that do not have a material adverse effect on Account Holders or a class of the Account Holders will be notified by making the updated Terms available in person at The Star Properties, on the Website and via The Star App.


  4. If any changes are made to the Terms which have a material adverse effect on Account Holders or a class of the Account Holders, The Star will, where possible, provide at least 30 days’ prior notice to the Account Holders.  Shorter notice may be provided if, for example, the changes are required to comply with the requirements of any laws or a Government authority.

  1. The Star will issue a Physical Card to an Account Holder, following which the Account Holder may generate a Digital Card in The Star App. An Account Holder must only hold one Physical Card at any time but can have both a Physical Card and a linked Digital Card at the same time.


  2. Cards remain the property of The Star. Physical Cards must be returned, and any linked Digital Card removed from all devices, on request. 


  3. Account Holders must activate a Personal Identification Number (“PIN”), or approved multi-factor or biometric authentication, in connection with their Card for use in gaming and gaming related activities. If an Account Holder incorrectly enters the PIN on four consecutive attempts, or if other forms of approved multi-factor or biometric authentication fails, their Card may be locked. To unlock the Card the Account Holder must attend in person at one of The Star Properties and present acceptable identification.


  4. The Star App requires an Account Holder to create and use a password to sign into The Star App, however, if an Account Holder has a device with fingerprint, face or other biometric identification capability, that Account Holder can enable biometric fingerprint or face identification to sign into The Star App on their device and access their Digital Card, provided that no other person’s fingerprint, face or other biometric identification is stored on that device.  The Account Holder agrees that it will be responsible for all actions on the Account Holder’s Card and Star Account(s) following successful fingerprint, face or other biometric identification sign-in to The Star App.


  5. The Account Holder must safeguard their Card, membership number, PIN, password or other form of approved authentication and must not keep a written record of their PIN, disclose their membership number or PIN, password or allow another person to use their membership number, PIN, password, authenticator or Card for any reason.


  6. Any Card issued to an Account Holder may only be used by that Account Holder and no other person. 


  7. An Account Holder must not allow any other person to:

    a. use their Card for any reason; or

    b. engage in any activity on behalf of the Account Holder which necessitates the use of that Account Holder’s Card. For example, a person (regardless of their legal capacity) is not permitted to engage in any gaming or gaming related activities which will be attributed to another person’s Card.


  8. The Star reserve the right to request further identification at any time (including multi-factor authentication, biometric authentication or use of a PIN) from a person using a Card for the purpose of evidencing that the user is the Account Holder named on that Card.


  9. An Account Holder must promptly notify The Star of any lost, stolen or malfunctioning Card or any unauthorised use of, or access to, their Card, The Star App or Star Account. An Account Holder must provide details and particulars of such loss, theft, misuse, unauthorised access or malfunction in writing if requested by The Star.


  10. If an Account Holder’s Card is reported as being lost, stolen or malfunctioning or any unauthorised use of an Account Holder’s Card, The Star App or any Star Account(s) has been reported, detected, suspected or anticipated, the Account Holder’s Card, use of The Star App and/or Star Account(s) may be suspended and The Star may make arrangements with the Account Holder for the issue of a replacement Card(s) and/or new verification code sent to the Account Holder’s designated mobile number for use of The Star App. 


  11. The Account Holder must return any lost or stolen Physical Card to a Star Property if later found.

Star Accounts
  1. A Star Account at each Star Property will be linked to the Account Holder’s Card.


  2. Subject to clause 89, an Account Holder may apply to activate a Star Account at any or all of the Star Properties.


  3. The ability for an Account Holder to activate and maintain a Star Account at a Star Property is at the discretion of The Star.


  4. A Star Account maintained at a Star Property may only be used in connection with certain gaming and gaming related activities at that Star Property.


  5. An Account Holder will need to maintain a Star Account at a Star Property to engage in Cashless Wagering at that Star Property.

Activating a Star Account
  1. If an Account Holder wishes to activate a Star Account with The Star at a Star Property they must provide:

    a. such current and valid identification and residency details as required by The Star; and

    b. details of their personal bank deposit account where the Account Holder is the single or a joint holder with another individual(s).  Business or sole trader accounts are not permitted.


  2. Prior to activating a Star Account, The Star may require, or be required to ensure that, certain Account Holders and account verification activities are first conducted.  This may include verifying that any transaction which makes deposits into or from an Account Holder’s Star Account involving a debit card (“Debit Card”) is: 

    a. with the holder of that debit card; 

    b. not being completed by someone other than the named Account Holder as the valid and authorised cardholder; 

    c. utilising funds (deposited into or taken) from a nominated personal bank account that is: 

    i. owned by the Account Holder; and 

    ii. linked to that Account Holder’s Star Account at the relevant Star Property (“Personal Bank Account”); and/or 

    iii. not an overdrawn account, 

    (“Verification”).  For the purposes of these Terms, a Personal Bank Account must not be a business bank account or a sole trader bank account.


  3. The Account Holder must allow The Star to conduct Verification but may elect for Verification to be completed in person at the Star Property where the Star Account is to be activated or digitally via The Star App (where permitted by The Star).


  4. To complete Verification via The Star App, where permitted by The Star, clauses 39 to 41 will apply.


  5. The Star has engaged Next as its service provider to support the completion of the Verification services via The Star App.  In providing the Verification services, Next is required to access certain personal information of an Account Holder, including that Account Holder’s Personal Bank Account information. To authorise such access, it has engaged its delivery partner, Basiq, an Accredited Data Recipient under the consumer data right (“CDR”) regime. Under CDR, Next acts as an authorised CDR representative of Basiq, who is the CDR representative principal in its arrangement with Next. 


  6. When completing Verification via The Star App, an Account Holder will be directed to a consent screen where Basiq will request the Account Holder’s express consent for Basiq to collect and use specified personal information of the Account Holder, together with name, account and transaction data relating to the Account Holder’s Personal Bank Account (“CDR Data”) in accordance with and as authorised by the CDR regime. If and where the Account Holder expressly consents to do so, Basiq will then send a request to the bank where the Account Holder’s Personal Bank Account is held (“Bank”) for the collection and use of this CDR Data by Basiq and Next directly from the Bank for the purposes of Verification of the Account Holder. Where an Account Holder provides its express authorisation to the Bank to do so, the Bank will share this CDR Data with Basiq and Next for the purpose of Next completing the Verification services. 


  7. Any consent which the Account Holder provides to Basiq in respect of their CDR Data under clause 40 above will be valid for a maximum period of 24- hours from the point in time that the Account Holder validly provides their consent via The Star App. The Account Holder may also withdraw their consent at any time (including during this 24-hour period) via The Star App. 


  8. The Star will not have access to collect or have use of an Account Holder’s CDR Data at any time. Only Next and Basiq can access and/or use CDR Data at any time.


  9. Separately, as part of the Verification services, Next will also need to carry out a pre-authorisation transaction on the Account Holder’s Debit Card and Personal Bank Account. A pre-authorisation involves Next (as an authorised payments processor and agent for The Star) completing a micro-debit to the value of $0.01 to the Account Holder’s Debit Card and/or Personal Bank Account (as applicable) which is reserved only for the purposes of authentication and expires at the end of a maximum 24-hour period from the time of initial reservation and confirmation by the Account Holder of the pre-authorisation reservation. The Account Holder’s Debit Card or Personal Bank Account will not be charged at any time.


  10. Next will notify The Star once the Verification services have been completed successfully in respect of an Account Holder. On receipt of this notification, the Account Holder’s Star Account will be activated via The Star App and ready for use for gaming and gaming related activities at the Star Property where the Star Account is maintained. 


  11. On the expiry of the 24-hour period under clause 41 or confirmation of successful Verification under clause 44 (whichever is the later), all of the Account Holder’s CDR Data, including personal information collected or used by Basiq and Next are required to be immediately deleted by each of Basiq and Next (including in their respective back-up storage systems) and no longer accessible to either of Basiq or Next.


  12. An Account Holder’s Card will be activated for Cashless Wagering at a Star Property once the Account Holder has: 

    a.successfully verified their identity at that Star Property with The Star;

    b.been accepted for Cashless Wagering at that Star Property by The Star; and 

    c.deposited funds into their Star Account with The Star that is maintained at that Star Property. 

Using a Star Account
  1. A Star Account is not transferable and only the Account Holder who is named on the  Card is permitted to use, deposit funds into, or withdraw funds from that Star Account.  


  2. A Star Account maintained at a Star Property may only be used in connection with gaming and gaming related transactions at that same Star Property.


  3. The Star will not accept deposits from or withdrawals to a person other than the Account Holder for whom the Star Account was established. 


  4. No interest is payable to an Account Holder on any funds held in a Star Account. 


  5. Account Holders are responsible for their use of their Star Account including any taxation consequences.  


  6. The Star may transact on an Account Holder’s Star Account in accordance with the instructions of that Account Holder.


  7. Deposits into or withdrawals from an Account Holder’s Star Account, whether made using The Star App or otherwise, may be delayed, blocked, frozen or refused if required by law, due to transaction processing times or issues, or where The Star has reasonable grounds to believe that the deposit or withdrawal breaches any laws or sanctions (in Australia or otherwise). 


  8. The Star may adjust or remove transactions incorrectly or erroneously made to any Star Account.  

  1. The Star may set, or require an Account Holder to set, gaming related pre-commitments for pre-determined periods, including on maximum net losses, maximum deposits, and maximum balances in a Star Account (“Pre-Commitments”). 


  2. An Account Holder may at any time request a Pre-Commitment be applied, if not previously set, or request a change to any Pre-Commitment previously set by that Account Holder.  Cooling off times may apply in order to give effect to a change to a Pre-Commitment requested by an Account Holder.


  3. Account Holders can also use functionality within The Star App to “take a break” from depositing funds into a Star Account, set daily or weekly budgets and “self-exclude” from using the Account Holder’s Star Account for gaming. 


  4. If an Account Holder’s Star Account reaches any Pre-Commitment, the Account Holder will be unable to use their Card in connection with gaming or gaming related activities until the expiry of the pre-determined period for that Pre-Commitment. 

Depositing into a Star Account
  1. Subject to clauses 49 and 61, an Account Holder may deposit funds into their Star Account maintained at a Star Property in the manner specified and permitted by The Star at that Star Property. This may include:

    a. a cash deposit by the Account Holder;

    b. a redemption of chips and chip purchase vouchers by the Account Holder;

    c. a redemption of EGM or ETG credit tickets (otherwise known as TITOs) by the Account Holder;

    d. a cheque;

    e. by electronic funds transfer;

    f. by the use of a Debit Card; 

    g. a transfer to the Star Account from another Star Account the Account Holder has at a Star Property; and

    h. a transfer to the Star Account from any another type of deposit account maintained by the Account Holder at that Star Property.


  2. Deposits and withdrawals of funds in a Star Account must be in Australian dollars unless otherwise agreed to by The Star.  The Star is not liable in respect of any fees, charges or expenses charged in connection with any foreign currency transactions or any shortfall between the amount payable and the amount actually received after the payment is converted into or from Australian dollars.


  3. The Star may prohibit or impose limits and conditions on the type of deposits as well as the maximum amount that can be held in or deposited into an Account Holder’s Star Account at any time. 


  4. Deposits into a Star Account that have incorrect or incomplete payee details may be refused by The Star.


  5. If The Star permits an Account Holder to deposit funds into their Star Account via The Star App, the Account Holder may use any available payment channel that is not a Prohibited Payment Channel, provided that the Personal Bank Account, Debit Card (and Personal Bank Account linked to that Debit Card) or equivalent is in the Account Holder’s name. 


  6. When an Account Holder loads funds into their Star Account using The Star App, the funds are deposited into a bank account held by Next (as agent for The Star) through its partner Cuscal.  Next receives these funds as agent for The Star and an Account Holder does not have any contractual relationship with Next or Cuscal.  Neither Next nor Cuscal are responsible for, and they do not guarantee the Account Holder’s ability to use, The Star App to access and transact on their Star Account.


  7. Deposits into an Account Holder’s Star Account from a bank account other than the Account Holder’s own Personal Bank Account will not be accepted by The Star and The Star will attempt to return the funds to the bank account the deposit originated from, failing which The Star may determine such funds to be unclaimed monies.


  8. The Star does not receive or hold funds in a Star Account on trust for an Account Holder.  A Star Account is not a bank account and is therefore not guaranteed or otherwise protected by any deposit or insurance system.  Funds deposited into a Star Account are received into bank account(s) maintained or managed by The Star and represent a pre-payment for gaming and gaming related activities at the relevant Star Property standing to the credit of the Account Holder.

Withdrawing funds from a Star Account
  1. Subject to any Pre-Commitment or any restriction imposed by law, an Account Holder may withdraw funds from their Star Account:

    a. in The Star App by electronic funds transfer to the Account Holder’s linked Personal Bank Account or, where made available, to another Star Account or other type of deposit account the Account Holder has with The Star. Account Holders should expect the funds to take up to 3 business days to appear in the Account Holder’s Personal Bank Account; or 

    b. in person at the Star Property where the Star Account is maintained at: 

    i. a cashier window by redeeming the funds for cash, chips, chip purchase vouchers or cheque, or by electronic funds transfer into the Account Holder’s Personal Bank Account or, where made available, to another Star Account or other type of deposit account the Account Holder has with The Star; or

    ii. participating cash redemption terminals by redeeming the funds for cash.


  2. The Star may impose limits on the sum of cash available for redemption.


  3. The Star may request and require proof of identification, additional information and the completion of documentation in order for an Account Holder to withdraw funds from their Star Account (whether in person or via The Star App).  

Use of and access to Card information
  1. Without limiting clauses 102 to 108, information in connection with an Account Holder’s gaming and gaming related activities that require the use of a Card, are recorded on the Account Holder’s Card and are maintained and handled  in accordance with The Star’s Privacy Policy https://www.starentertainmentgroup.com.au/privacy-policy/ (if personal information) and other legal requirements such as under Casino Control Laws and AML/CTF Laws.


  2. At any time, an Account Holder may request that The Star provide a statement (including via electronic means) on the gaming and gaming related activities at a Star Property that are recorded on the Account Holder’s Card.  Statements are available on request from a Membership Desk at that Star Property, via The Star App or The Star’s website at https://www.starentertainmentgroup.com.au/starcare/ 


  3. An Account Holder must regularly review their transaction history recorded on their Card to identify any unauthorised transactions.

Suspending and cancelling a Card
  1. The Star reserve the right to suspend or cancel an Account Holder’s Card for any reason including:

    a. for any reported, suspected or actual breach of these Terms; 

    b. where suspicious activities are or may be taking place by that Account Holder or in connection with that Account Holder’s Card;

    c. in connection with responsible gambling practices; 

    d. unlawful, inappropriate or undesirable behaviour or conduct; 

    e. where the Account Holder had a cheque payable to The Star returned by the Account Holder’s financial institution;

    f. for any dishonour or reversal of any deposit of funds into the Account Holder’s Star Account;

    g. where the Account Holder breaches the rules of a game played in a Star Property;

    h. where the Account Holder breaches the Casino Control Laws;

    i. where the Account Holder is an Excluded Person; 

    j. where required by law or the requirements of a Government authority; 

    k. where the Account Holder fails to comply with The Star’s customer probity requirements, such as a failure to comply with a request to provide identification and source of wealth information; or

    l. on not less than 30 days written notice if an Account Holder’s Card does not register a transaction during any continuous period of at least 24 months.


  2. The Star may, but is not required to, advise the Account Holder of the reason for suspending or cancelling an Account Holder’s Card.


  3. If an Account Holder is subject to a TPOE only, the Account Holder will not be able to participate in any gaming or gaming related activities for the duration of the TPOE but may be able to continue to participate in and enjoy other non-gaming activities that require the use of a Card.


  4. An Account Holder’s Card will be cancelled on the Account Holder’s death following execution of a cancellation form by the executor/trustee of the deceased estate.


  5. An Account Holder may at any time request that their Card be suspended or cancelled by completing the documentation required by The Star.


  6. Subject to clause 96, the suspension of an Account Holder’s Card means that:

    a. the Account Holder’s account with the Program will temporarily cease;

    b. the Account Holder may not be able to conduct activities at the Star Properties that require the use of a Card; 

    c. the Account Holder’s access to The Star App may temporarily cease; 

    d. for The Star Club Member, all accrued loyalty points, benefits, and privileges under the Program are temporarily unavailable by that Account Holder for use in gaming or gaming related activities; and

    e. use of the Account Holder’s Star Account(s) will be suspended, however, the Account Holder may continue to make permitted withdrawals.


  7. Subject to clause 97, the cancellation of an Account Holder’s Card (except where a Card is cancelled for the purpose of issuing a replacement Card) means that:

    a. the Account Holder’s account with the Program ends;

    b. the Account Holder may not be able to conduct activities at the Star Properties that require the use of a Card; 

    c. the Account Holder’s access to The Star App will cease; 

    d. the Account Holder must return their Physical Card to one of the Star Properties and delete their Digital Card from all devices; 

    e. for The Star Club Member, all accrued loyalty points, benefits, and privileges under the Program are immediately forfeited by that Account Holder and cancelled; and

    f. the Account Holder’s Star Account(s) will be closed.


  8. Any suspension or cancellation of a Card will apply to an Account Holder’s Physical Card and Digital Card.

Closing and suspending Star Accounts
  1. The Star reserves the right to close or suspend an Account Holder’s access to, and use of, the Account Holder’s Star Account(s) for any reason, including those specified in clause 73.  The Star may, but is not required to, advise the Account Holder of the reason for closing or suspending the Account Holder’s Star Account. 


  2. An Account Holder’s Star Account will be closed on the cancellation of their  Card.


  3. The Star may close any Star Account held by an Account Holder where the Star Account has remained inactive for 12 months.


  4. An Account Holder may at any time request that their Star Account be suspended or closed by completing the documentation required by The Star. 


  5. The Star will use reasonable endeavours to provide the Account Holder with prior notice of any closure of the Account Holder’s Star Account, other than when the closure was requested by the Account Holder. However, The Star may be unable to provide prior notice in certain circumstances, including where doing so would be inconsistent with legal or regulatory obligations, or directions from regulatory or law enforcement agencies.


  6. Following closure of an Account Holder’s Star Account, except as required or prohibited by law, the sum of funds standing to the credit of the Account Holder’s Star Account are returnable to the Account Holder.  Payment may be made in the form of a cheque to the registered address recorded for that Account Holder, or directly into the Account Holder’s Personal Bank Account that was linked to the closed Star Account.  The Account Holder must provide The Star with such further information The Star requires for the purposes of facilitating the return of such funds.


  7. In the event that The Star is unable to return funds standing to the credit of the Account Holder following the closure of the Star Account then The Star (or in the case of The Star Brisbane, then DBC) may determine such funds to be unclaimed monies and deal with them in accordance with its policies and the laws relating to unclaimed monies.

The Star Sydney
  1. To engage in gaming or gaming related activities at The Star Sydney, an Account Holder must have a Star Account with The Star Sydney linked to their Card.


  2. The Star Sydney will automatically activate a Star Account for you when you become an Account Holder or, for existing Account Holders, where The Star Sydney is recorded by The Star as that Account Holder’s home property.


  3. An Account Holder may not be able to electronically transfer funds from their Personal Bank Account into their Star Account(s) maintained at The Star Sydney, or from their Star Account(s) maintained at The Star Sydney to their Personal Bank Account, or make a deposit into their Star Account(s) maintained at The Star Sydney with a Debit Card, unless and until The Star has successfully completed Verification. 


  4. Without limiting clauses 59 to 62, Account Holders must not deposit funds into their Star Account maintained at The Star Sydney, using a direct debit facility with a bank or other third party, credit account, credit card, traveller’s cheque, automatic direct debit, any pre-paid or stored value card, or any Prohibited Payment Channel, or where such deposit involves the withdrawal of money by the Account Holder from an overdrawn Personal Bank Account.  The Star will not accept such payments.


  5. All transactions by an Account Holder on their Star Account(s) maintained at The Star Sydney require the production and use of their Card. 


  6. An Account Holder must use their own Physical Card in connection with all gaming and gaming related activities at The Star Sydney, and only on one EGM, ETG or other table game at any given time. 


  7. To transfer funds from a designated EGM, ETG or other table game at The Star Sydney to the Account Holder’s Star Account maintained at The Star Sydney, the Account Holder is required to: 

    a. remove their Physical Card from the EGM or ETG; or

    b. request their Physical Card from the dealer at the table game. 

    If a proposed transfer to the Star Account will exceed a Pre-Commitment, an employee of The Star Sydney must facilitate a manual transaction which may include an alternative means of the Account Holder receiving the funds.


  8. Subject to any Pre-Commitments, to transfer amounts standing to the credit of an Account Holder’s Star Account with The Star Sydney to a designated EGM, ETG or other table game at The Star Sydney for the purpose of gaming the Account Holder must: 

    a. insert their Physical Card into that EGM or ETG; or 

    b. present their Physical Card at another table game, 

    and enter their PIN or other form or authentication permitted by The Star Sydney. Following PIN or authentication acceptance, the Account Holder may transfer funds from their Star Account maintained at The Star Sydney by entering the amount to be transferred (subject to any transfer limits) to the designated EGM, ETG or other table game.


  9. Without limiting clause 78, the suspension of an Account Holder’s Card means that the Account Holder will not be able to participate in any gaming and gaming related activities at The Star Sydney for the duration of the suspension and access to or use of The Star App for use at The Star Sydney may be suspended. 


  10. Without limiting clause 79, the cancellation of an Account Holder’s Card (except where a Card is cancelled for the purpose of issuing a replacement Card) means that at The Star Sydney:

    a. the Account Holder will not be able to participate in any gaming or gaming related activities;

    b. the Account Holder may not be able to conduct other activities that require the use of a Card; 

    c. the Account Holder will not be able to deposit funds into its Star Account with The Star Sydney; and

    d. the Account Holder’s Star Account(s) will be closed.

Advertising material
  1. An Account Holder’s marketing preferences are selected at the time of applying to become an Account Holder or as otherwise updated by the Account Holder from time to time.


  2. An Account Holder may, at any time, elect to opt-in or opt-out (as the case may be) of receiving certain or all marketing and/or advertising material from The Star via The Star App, at a Member kiosk or Membership Desk located at a Star Property, calling 1800 223 011 or emailing starfeedback@star.com.au.  An Account Holder may also opt-out of receiving advertising material by following the prompts contained in marketing emails or SMS messages.


  3. An Account Holder may disable any in-app notifications for The Star App via the Account Holder’s in-app preferences on the device on which The Star App is installed. 


  4. The Account Holder acknowledges that after opting out of advertising material, The Star may still send communications relating to being an Account Holder that are not advertising material such as, for example, safer gambling messages.

  1. The Star may collect personal information from an Account Holder directly or from third parties including service providers, other casino operators, law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities. 


  2. In connection with the Program, The Star may collect personal information about the Account Holder for the following non-exhaustive purposes:

    a. operating the Program, including verifying the Account Holder’s identity (including through the process described in clauses 37 to 43), processing the person’s application for the Program, offering and providing any Star Offer, and otherwise managing the Account Holder’s account;

    b. customer support, including communicating with the Account Holder and responding to their communications with The Star;

    c. conducting credit or other background checks on the Account Holder, including checks required for compliance with the AML/CTF Laws, Casino Control Laws and customer probity requirements required by law and to provide information to certain third parties including regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies;

    d. providing and operating The Star App and the Account Holder’s Star Account(s), including disclosing personal information to and receiving personal information from Next and Cuscal. Next and Cuscal may also collect personal information directly from the Account Holder including payment details, in connection with The Star App and a Star Account. Basiq may also collect personal information forming part of CDR Data directly from the Account Holder, in connection with completing Verification via The Star App; 

    e. identifying, excluding or removing from a Star Property and/or The Star App persons to whom The Star may lawfully deny access;

    f. other purposes relating to gaming, safety and security, access to Star Properties, customer probity and preventing illegal or undesirable activities;

    g. purposes (including the undertaking of welfare discussions) relating to safer gambling, gambling harm minimisation and monitoring and preventing criminal activity;

    h. promoting products, services, promotions and events at Star Properties, including by direct marketing (including by email, SMS, in-app notifications via The Star App, targeted digital advertising, direct mail or phone calls) where the Account Holder has consented to this and opt-out facilities are provided in the direct marketing communications, or it is otherwise permitted by law; 

    i. recording the Account Holder’s preferences and interests so that The Star may tailor offerings to the Account Holder where the Account Holder has consented to this and opt-out facilities are provided in the direct marketing communications, or it is otherwise permitted by law;

    j. if an Account Holder is assigned a host, having the host provide services to the Account Holder which may include the host making bookings on behalf of the Account Holder at the Account Holder’s request and the Account Holder will be bound by (including any terms and conditions that apply to the booked services) such booking;

    k. product and service development;

    l. generally operating the Star Properties’ businesses; and

    m. other purposes required or permitted by law or to comply with a direction or notice from a Government agency. 


  3. Without limiting the above clauses, by accepting any Star Offer, The Star Club Members must separately consent to The Star collecting and using their personal information for the purposes of fulfilling the accepted Star Offer, including The Star or its Partners (where specified in the Star Offer and consented to by The Star Club Member) sending The Star Club Member an email confirmation following acceptance or redemption of the Star Offer.


  4. The Star may disclose personal information about an Account Holder for the above purposes to:

    a. its related bodies corporate and joint venture partners of its related bodies corporate (for example, DBC); 

    b. third parties including service providers of The Star and joint venture partners of its related bodies corporate, other casino operators, credit rating and other reporting agencies, law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities and social media platforms;

    c. any other person as set out in The Star’s Privacy Policy from time to time; and

    d. any other person, entity or authority as required or permitted by law.


  5. The Star may also share the Account Holder’s personal information with third party business operators to allow the Account Holder to earn and redeem points at those businesses. 


  6. Without limiting clauses 102 to 106, an Account Holder consents to The Star using image(s) of them, including a photograph taken of them by The Star, and images from any other source (whether collected before or after the person joins as an Account Holder), and faceprints made from those images, in The Star’s facial recognition system to (to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws): 

    a. identify, exclude or remove from a Star Property persons to whom The Star may deny access including Excluded Persons and persons subject to a temporary prevention of entry (“TPOE”), preventative TPOE or other similar order, notice or direction; 

    b. identify, exclude or remove from a Star Property persons who are yet to complete required probity and/or customer due diligence checks; 

    c. help The Star’s Safer Gambling team keep track of how long a person has been gambling and apply The Star’s PlayBreak rules (which include time limits on gaming) and The Star’s Safer Gambling Policy; and 

    d. for other purposes relating to gaming, safety and security and preventing illegal or undesirable activities. 

    To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, The Star may disclose facial images and photos to, or receive them from its related bodies corporate and joint venture partners of its related bodies corporate, its service providers, other casino operators, law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities to use solely for these purposes and purposes directly related to these purposes.


  7. For information on how to seek access to and correction of an Account Holder’s personal information, how an Account Holder can lodge a privacy complaint and how The Star will deal with the complaint, please see The Star’s Privacy Policy https://www.starentertainmentgroup.com.au/privacy-policy/.

Limitation of liability
  1. The Star acknowledges that Account Holders have certain rights under consumer guarantees in the Australian Consumer Law, and nothing in these Terms excludes, restricts or modifies:

    a. the application of any consumer guarantee in the Australian Consumer Law (“Consumer Guarantee”) or any similar provision under the laws of New South Wales or Queensland which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified (“Similar Provision”); or

    b. the exercise of any right conferred by any Consumer Guarantee or Similar Provision.


  2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, The Star is not liable for any loss, damages, cost or expense that an Account Holder may suffer or incur either directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with:

    a. these Terms, except to the extent caused by the negligence, wilful misconduct or wrongful act or omission of The Star; 

    b. a delay, block, freeze or refuse of a transfer of funds from or into a Star Account;

    c. any suspension, closure or cancellation of the Account Holder’s Card, Star Account and/or access to The Star App; 

    d. the availability, limitation, modification, expiry or withdrawal of any membership benefits, loyalty points or privileges;

    e. errors in the accumulation or redemption of membership benefits, points or privileges for which The Star is not responsible or any other reason outside The Star’s reasonable control (provided that The Star’s liability is limited to the correction of the error);

    f. any technical malfunctions or errors in systems or equipment that may occur that may cause a Card, a Star Account, The Star App or Cashless Wagering not being fully available or working properly;

    g. The Star receiving incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information; or

    h. any misuse or unauthorised use of their Card, a Star Account or The Star App or any membership benefits, loyalty points or privileges, except to the extent caused by the negligence, wilful misconduct or wrongful act or omission of The Star.


  3. To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither The Star  nor any Account Holder will be liable to each other for any indirect, special, economic, punitive or exemplary, or consequential loss or damage (including, without limitation, loss of, or damage to, data, or loss of revenue, profits, goodwill or opportunities whether or not reasonably foreseeable), arising directly or indirectly from these Terms, a Star Account, The Star App, any Product or any benefit, loyalty points or privileges obtained by an Account Holder in connection with their account with the Program.


  4. Subject to clause 109, The Star gives no guarantees, conditions or warranties with respect to the type, quality, standard, fitness or suitability for any purpose of any goods or services supplied in connection with these Terms, other than those that may be required by applicable laws.


  5. Account Holders acknowledge and agree that the clauses in this “Limitation of Liability” section (clauses 109 to 112) are reasonably necessary to protect The Star’s legitimate interests because:

    a. The Star provides the Program as an additional benefit to Account Holders for free;

    b. The Star bears the majority of the risks arising from the conduct of the Program, including the commercial, financial, regulatory, reputational, legal and insurance risks; and

    c. these clauses assist to distribute the risks fairly between Account Holders and The Star.

Part B – The Star Club Members
  1. Levels of membership in the Program (“Tiers”) are determined by The Star and apply to The Star Club Members only. 


  2. The Star Club Members may qualify for higher Tiers by earning the number of loyalty points required to qualify for the relevant higher Tier (“Tier Points”). The Star Club Member’s Tier status starts from the moment The Star Club Member reaches that Tier and continues until their Tier Review Date which coincides with the end of The Star Club Member’s next full membership year.  


  3. The Star Club Member’s Tier Points will expire annually on their Tier Review Date and the number of Tier Points The Star Club Member has earned over the previous 12 months will determine their starting Tier for their following membership year. Should The Star Club Member fail to earn sufficient Tier Points by their Tier Review Date to remain in their Tier, The Star Club Member will qualify for a lower Tier corresponding to the number of Tier Points actually earned over the previous 12 months.

Loyalty points, benefits and privileges
  1.  The Star Club Member’s entitlement to loyalty points, benefits and privileges under the Program: 

    a. are not transferable and cannot be used by any person other than The Star Club Member named on the Card;

    b. are subject to any limits imposed by The Star, and The Star Club Member will be notified before they reach such limits;

    c. cannot be combined with the loyalty points, benefits or privileges of another The Star Club Member; 

    d. are not redeemable for money;

    e. cannot be used in conjunction with other discount programs or offers, unless otherwise specified by The Star.


  2. Only The Star Club Members are entitled to use their Card at participating hotels, bars, restaurants, food and retail outlets at Star Properties.


  3. The Star may limit the use and redemption of loyalty points, benefits and privileges earned at one Star Property at any other Star Property.


  4. The benefits and privileges offered to The Star Club Members throughout the Program may be changed at any time by The Star. In the event that this occurs, The Star will endeavour to give The Star Club Members prior notice by providing updated information at the Star Properties, on the Website and on The Star App.


  5. The Star may invite certain The Star Club Members to access private gaming rooms located at a Star Property. Such access is by invitation only and may be revoked by The Star at any time. The Star Club Members must abide by the conditions of entry to the private gaming rooms as displayed at the entry to those rooms (and varied by The Star from time to time) and comply with any directions issued by The Star in relation to entry into and use of the private gaming rooms.


  6. At each of the Star Properties, The Star Club Members may earn, receive and redeem loyalty points - currently Casino Dollars, Comp Dollars and Tier Points. However the manner in which The Star Club Members can earn, receive and redeem loyalty points at each Star Property may vary, and The Star may partner with other parties to provide additional benefits in respect of some or all Star Properties.


  7. The Star Club Members may also earn Tier Points by purchasing coins on StarPlay, the social gaming platform.  


  8. The Star may limit any of The Star Club Member’s entitlement to earn receive or participate in any or all benefits, loyalty points or privileges under the Program.


  9. Loyalty points will expire as follows: 

    a. Casino Dollars will expire if The Star Club Member does not accrue a Tier Point at least once every 180 days;

    b. Comp Dollars will expire if The Star Club Member does not accrue a Tier Point at least once every 90 days; and

    c. Tier Points will expire on The Star Club Member’s Tier Review Date.


  10. The Star reserves the right to adjust The Star Club Member’s loyalty points, benefits or privileges: 

    a. as a consequence of any changes made to these Terms;

    b. if The Star Club Member misuses, or allows or enables another person to misuse, their loyalty points, benefits or casino facilities; or

    c. if loyalty points, benefits or privileges incorrectly or erroneously accrue (or fail to accrue) in The Star Club Member’s favour.


  11. If The Star Club Member’s Card is:

    a. cancelled (except where cancelled for the purpose of issuing a replacement Card), all points, benefits and privileges accrued by The Star Club Member are immediately forfeited and cancelled; or

    b. suspended, The Star Club Member will not be entitled to earn, claim or redeem any membership points, benefits and privileges for use in gaming or gaming related activities (including those already accrued to The Star Club Member).


  12. If The Star suspends or terminates the Program and it is not replaced by another membership program, The Star Club Member may, subject to these Terms, continue to earn and redeem their accrued loyalty points, benefits and privileges, during any notice period where possible, and following which all remaining loyalty points, benefits and privileges will be forfeited.


  13.  The Star Club Members must regularly review their loyalty points balance recorded on their Card to identify any unauthorised transactions or any discrepancies and must promptly notify The Star of any concerns.


  14. The Star does not accept any taxation liability of The Star Club Members arising from or in connection with earning, redeeming or cancelling loyalty points, benefits or privileges (including Star Offers).

Star Offers
  1. The Star may from time to time offer certain Products to The Star Club Members ("Star Offer"). The way in which The Star Club Members can be awarded or receive Star Offers in connection with each Star Property varies, and any one of The Star may partner with third parties to provide Star Offers in connection with one or more Star Properties. 


  2. Any Products offered to The Star Club Members shall be at the discretion of The Star and may, amongst other things, depend upon the Tier status and/or number of loyalty points of The Star Club Member.


  3. Restrictions and special conditions may apply to Star Offers and such Star Offers may be subject to the terms upon which a supplier makes the corresponding Product available to The Star Club Members.  The Star may at any time, with prior notice (where practical) to The Star Club Members:

    a. withdraw, limit, modify, cancel, increase or decrease the availability of any Product being offered as a Star Offer or the advertised terms of offer for any Product; and

    b. impose additional restrictions on any Product or conditions for obtaining a Star Offer. 


  4. Casino Products offered to The Star Club Members will be subject to The Star’s general terms and conditions for that Casino Product (available at that Star Property and on request by The Star Club Member).


  5. From time to time The Star may partner with third party suppliers and manufacturers unrelated to that Star Property (“Partners”) to provide Partner Products to The Star Club Members as Star Offers. If The Star Club Member claims any Partner Product as a Star Offer this will amount to a request by The Star Club Member to The Star to direct a Partner to supply a Partner Product to The Star Club Member. The Star Club Members should ensure that they are familiar with and understand the terms and conditions applied by Partners in respect of Partner Products before accepting any Partner Product.


  6. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, The Star’s liability under any Consumer Guarantee or Similar Provision to The Star Club Member in respect to a Casino Product provided by The Star that is faulty, damaged or unfit for use is limited, in The Star’s discretion, to:

    a. reinstating the number of loyalty points redeemed for the Casino Product by The Star Club Member;

    b. replacing or re-supplying the Casino Product; or

    c. repairing the Casino Product.


  7. In respect to Partner Products, The Star is solely responsible for supplying the opportunity for The Star Club Members to obtain a Partner Product from Partners, and The Star’s obligations are limited to procuring that opportunity. 


  8. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, The Star does not accept liability for defects in quality or condition of Partner Products and make no claims or warranties as to the type, quality, standard, fitness or suitability for any purpose of any Star Offer or any other Product received as a result of a redemption of loyalty points. Warranties, if any, in relation to Partner Products are provided by the third-party supplier or manufacturer of those Partner Products and not The Star. 


  9. Any contracts The Star may have with Partners in relation to Partner Products are personal to The Star and are not for the benefit of, or enforceable by, The Star Club Members. Should any of The Star Club Members have any claim regarding the quantity, quality or otherwise of a Star Offer that is a Partner Product, The Star Club Member should direct that claim to the supplier or manufacturer of that Partner Product in accordance with the warranty information provided (if applicable).


  10. The Star Club Members are responsible to pay and reimburse The Star for any tax liability (including any GST that may be payable), stamp duty or other duty or government charges in connection with their receipt of Star Offers, a Product or benefits under the Program. The Star Club Members should consult with their accountant or tax advisers before claiming or placing an order for any Star Offer.


  11. The Star Club Members acknowledge and agree that clauses 137 to 141 are reasonably necessary to protect The Star’s legitimate interests for the same reasons specified in clause 113.

Returns Policy - Star Offers
  1. The Star Club Members' rights under this Returns Policy (clauses 143 to 148 inclusive) are in addition to any other rights they may have under the Australian Consumer Law or Similar Provisions. Nothing in this Returns Policy excludes, restricts or modifies any such rights.


  2. If any Product provided as a Star Offer is faulty, damaged or unfit for use, The Star Club Members must notify The Star within 7 business days of delivery of that Product. Failure to do so does not limit any rights that The Star Club Member may have under the Australian Consumer Law or Similar Provisions.


  3. A Casino Product will not be accepted for exchange or for a reimbursement of any kind under this Returns Policy 

    a. as a result of The Star Club Member changing their mind; or

    b. unless first authorised for return by The Star.


  4. If The Star replaces a Casino Product, The Star will dispatch replacement items at no further cost to The Star Club Member.


  5. No partial refund will be provided by The Star for a Casino Product.


  6. The Star does not accept returns of Partner Products and any return of Partner Products is subject to that Partner’s own returns policy.

Part C – Definitions and interpretations
  1. Where practical, The Star will take reasonable steps to consider an Account Holder’s point of view in relation to the Program. However, The Star‘s decisions in relation to the Program are final and binding. 


  2. Subject to clause 151, these Terms are governed by the laws of New South Wales. Each party submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and of any court that may hear appeals from any of those courts, for any proceedings in connection with these Terms.


  3. Any transactions with The Star at a Star Property that concern the use of a Star Account or Card are governed by the laws governing the State of Australia where that Star Property is located.


  4. To the extent that any provision in these Terms is illegal or unenforceable, it is severed without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms.


  5. In these Terms:

    a. the word ‘including’ and similar words are not words of limitation; and

    b. the singular includes the plural and vice versa, unless the context otherwise requires.


Account Holder means Player Card Holder or The Star Club Member of the Program.

Accredited Data Recipient has the meaning given to that term under the CDR.

AML/CTF Laws means the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) and the rules and other subordinate instruments under that Act.

Australian Consumer Law means the Australian Consumer Law set out in schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

Bank has the meaning given to that term in clause 40.

Basiq means Basiq Pty Limited ABN 95 616 592 011.

Card means both a Physical Card and a Digital Card linked to the account in the name of the Account Holder.

Casino Control Laws means the laws regulating the operation of casinos in New South Wales and Queensland, including the Casino Control Act 1992 (NSW) and Casino Control Act 1982 (QLD).

Cashless Wagering means wagering without cash at designated EGMs, ETGs and other table games located at any Star Property.

Casino Product means Products supplied by The Star to The Star Club Member.

CDR has the meaning given to that term in clause 39.

CDR Data has the meaning given to that term in clause 40.

Consumer Guarantee has the meaning given to that term in clause 109.a.

Cuscal means Cuscal Limited ABN 95 087 822 455.

DBC means Destination Brisbane Consortium Integrated Resort Operations Pty Ltd ACN 608 538 638 as trustee for the Destination Brisbane Consortium Integrated Resort Operating Trust ABN 50 157 953 414, the holder of the casino licence for The Star Brisbane.

Debit Card has the meaning given to that term in clause 36.

Digital Card means the Account Holder's digital card to the Program issued by The Star. A Digital Card will be linked to that Account Holder's Physical Card.

EGM means an electronic gaming machine.

ETG means an electronic table game.

Excluded Person means a person who has been excluded from, banned or otherwise prohibited from entering, in whole or in part, a Star Property (including as a result of a withdrawal of licence). 

Next means Next Payments Pty Ltd ABN 59 160 985 106.

Partner has the meaning given to that term in clause 136.

Partner Products means Products supplied by a Partner to The Star Club Member.

Personal Bank Account has the meaning given to that term in clause 36.

Physical Card means the Account Holder's physical card to the Program issued by The Star. 

PIN has the meaning given to that term in clause 21.

Player Card Holder means an Account Holder of the Program who does not participate in The Star’s player reward scheme.

Pre-Commitments has the meaning given to that term in clause 55.

Program has the meaning given to that term in clause 1.

Products includes merchandise, products, goods, services or gift cards, ordered in accordance with these Terms, being either Partner Products or Casino Products.

Prohibited Payment Channel means an account, card or equivalent in the name of a third party (excluding an account, card or equivalent that is held jointly with the Account Holder), or a non-individual, or any other method prohibited by law.

Similar Provision has the meaning given to that term in clause 109.a.

Star Account means an account established with The Star and maintained at a Star Property that allows an Account Holder to participate in Cashless Wagering at that Star Property. 

Star Offer means Products offered or awarded to The Star Club Members in connection with the Program.

Star Properties means each of The Star Sydney, The Star Gold Coast, Treasury Brisbane (until its closure (August 2024)) and, following its opening, The Star Brisbane (opened August 2024). A Star Property means any one of them.

Terms has the meaning given to that term in clause 15.

The Star means, as relevant, The Star Pty Limited ABN 25 060 510 410, trading as The Star Sydney, The Star Entertainment QLD Limited ABN 78 010 741 045 trading as The Star Gold Coast and Treasury Brisbane, and/or The Star Entertainment Brisbane Operations Pty Limited ACN 608 159 173 as casino operator and manager of The Star Brisbane.

The Star App means the mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices, which lets an Account Holder do things like access and view their loyalty points and Star Account(s), using their device through an internet connection.

The Star Club Member means an Account Holder of the Program participating in The Star’s player reward scheme.

Tiers has the meaning given to that term in clause 115.

Tier Points has the meaning given to that term in clause 116.

Tier Review Date means each anniversary of the date on which The Star Club Member joined the Program or, in the alternative, such other date as notified by us to The Star Club Member.

TPOE has the meaning given to that term in clause 107.a.

Verification has the meaning given to that term in clause 36.

Website has the meaning given to that term in clause 2.

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